Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cloud Spotting

My favourite pastime these days. Cloud spotting. With the summer thunderstorms over the last fortnight, the skies have been fabulous. Here's just a quick 2min video of a cumulonimbus, the might mac daddy Zeus of clouds, which appeared on the horizon the other day. But if you want to be really impressed, check out the clouds and storms over the recent Chile Puyehue volcano currently spouting, triggered interestingly for those interested in these things, by earthquakes. The increasing frequency of volcanoes triggered by earthquakes seems to suggest those who expound the Expando Planet cycle theory, might be on to something. Photos are stunning whatever you think.



Saturday, June 4, 2011

All aboard the Bilderberg Bus...

If you can, follow our friend Charlie's hilarious and satirical Guardian blog over the next fortnight or so. And catch up on the ones he wrote on the 2009 and 2010 conference if you know nothing about Bilderberg. Bravo Charlie. We'll be with you in spirit(s).

Bilderberg 2011: All aboard the Bilderbus

As the Bilderberg conference heads towards Switzerland there's still time to book your seat on a minibus to St Moritz