Hi everyone it’s been a while but it just means that when there is a blog you know there is going to be quality (I hope) and quantity.
We spent 4 months in London doing the things you do in many different places. We started off in Dulwich playing golf with my grandfather, baking cakes (nine months without apple crumble I could have died for a good oven!) with my grandmother, going to Dulwich village every other day for books and glasses and bread and… you get the picture. After our luxurious stay in Dulwich we moved uptown to a million pound flat (result) belonging to
dad’s old boss just overlooking Hyde Park . We did the most obvious thing if you were to stay in central London , we visited London . I spent my birthday with my friends and cousins speed boating down the river Thames . We watched movies went to bed early (the next day!) went to the aquarium and just enjoyed the ten days we had of being in London town. After a few weeks in Dulwich we went back to being a Londoner, and Londoner means soufeast London blad ya get me. Spen’ a few days wiv me friends and loved angel to bits. Felt a’ bit strange bein’ home again as if we wasn’ supposed to be there as if i’ was time to move on bu’ we had to say goodbye. Living life as it was before is always kind of strange. It feels as if (you can’t feel anything physically of course) the past has come up and bit you on the bum and pulled you back a few years, it really brings back memories.
After a flight where mummy and I were positive that we heard a meow and maybe a whimper from the
heated hold we stepped out stretched and were revitalised. I instantly felt that we were supposed to be here (that’s coming from mister ‘I want to live in Italy ’). We went back and collected our stuff picked up a jetlagged dog and a catnip drunk cat and set off. After a long drive (involving two coffee breaks and an incident with the police (we went round the roundabout twice)) we finally got home for a midnight snack (or dinner) with Michelle, "Tom and Jerry" in our fweeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing house in Olieros, this felt like home and things to come (dumdumdum dum, dumdumdum dum). Olieros is great but we probably spent 500,000€ on petrol alone so we moved up to Amieira after "Tom and Jerry" had gone back to London .
During the time we have been back I have saved a hedgehog from being run over (typical, you would think they would have learnt by now) and looked after a salamander for a day.
(I can see this becoming a cartoon. Super Josh dumdum dum Super Josh dumdududumdum)
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